Missing "Connect Your Microsoft Account" option

This is odd. I am getting things set up for a small client who bought a Windows 8 (standard) machine. They are not on a domain. I want to link a local user account to a Microsoft account. I sign in under the user account and go to "PC Settings - Users" but do not see the "Connect Your Account" option. It's not there at all. 

So i thought maybe it was because it was standard Win8. I created a new general User account on MY laptop which has Win8 Pro installed, logged into that local user account, and do not see the "Connect..." option there either.

So.... what am I missing? 2 machines, one Pro, one Standard, fully updated, and neither of them show the option under (local) Users \ PC Settings to connect the local account to a Microsoft account.

I do not want them signing in to their machines with a Microsoft account only. It should be a local account, linked to a Microsoft account.


September 3rd, 2013 11:04am

Did some more poking around the intertubes, and I seem to be the only person on earth this has happened to....
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September 3rd, 2013 2:29pm

I've personally never encountered this issue, but there are a number of issues reported related to the Windows Store and the Microsoft Account integration.  There is actually a tool specialized in troubleshooting the accounts integration.  Check out the "Microsoft Accounts Troubleshooter": http://www.kapilarya.com/download-microsoft-accounts-windows-apps-troubleshooters-to-fix-casual-issues-for-windows-8
September 3rd, 2013 5:11pm

I've only ever tried (and succeeded) to do this, when using a domain-joined pc, and when using a domain account.
I didn't think it was possible to link a local account to an MS account. Have you ever done this elsewhere?
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September 3rd, 2013 5:40pm

No, this is the first time I have tried it. I finally got to a Win8 Pro machine that is on a domain and the option is right there. So it seems as though you can only link a domain account to a Microsoft account. This kinda sucks, actually. There are PLENTY of businesses that do not have a domain, just a peer-to-peer setup. This makes managing security a pain when you start getting people who want to use App's and Skydrive. There would be no way to link their work PC with their personal Live account. It would also be impossible for IT to create a 'master' Live account and link it to all the business workstations in order to standardize App sync and a common Skydrive.

I guess I'll need to start looking for a way around this.....

September 4th, 2013 7:23am

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